Tata Communications ranked as an Established Leader in Juniper Research Conversational Commerce Leaderboard

Tata Communications has been identified as an established leader in Juniper Research’s Conversational Commerce Leaderboard 2023.

In particular, Tata Communications scored highly for its experience in the conversational commerce market, as well as its strong market presence driven specifically by its impressive number of partnerships and comprehensive technology portfolio through the acquisition of Kaleyra in October 2023.

Conversational Commerce is part of Tata Communications Customer Interaction Suite that enables brands to hyper-personalize customer interactions throughout the entire lifecycle journey. By integrating mobile marketing platforms, conversational AI, CCaaS, and CPaaS, Tata Communications provides a comprehensive solution to provide contextual customer experiences at scale during every stage of the buyer journey. It brings together the power of data, personalisation, and automation to help brands engage with their customer base.

Juniper Research concludes that ´Through the acquisition of Kaleyra and investment into value-added services, Tata Communications will remain an established leader within the conversational commerce market”

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Tata Communications ranked as an Established Leader in Juniper Research Competitive Leaderboard for Mobile Authentication.

Juniper Research has scored both Tata Communications and Kaleyra as Established Leaders in the mobile authentication market, with Tata Communications completing the acquisition of Kaleyra in October 2023.

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