Design a seamless, world-class customer experience with Video

Reimagine real-time customer engagement with a video enabled smart routing solution

What people are saying

“We’re thrilled to have a partner who shares our desire to serve our customers with a world class omnichannel solution.”

Avijit Mitra

CEO, Croma

“I felt like I was able to connect with my customers again.”

Sales Associate


“You’re just sitting at home but you’re in the store.”

Somnath Ghosh

Croma Customer

Personalised, one-click support to customers

Identify customer problems with ease
Reduction in Sales Cycles
Improve Customer Effort Score (CES)
Increase Sales Conversions

Identify customer problems with ease

Understand customer problems and make quick resolution to complex queries through real-time video.

2 Factor Authentication (2FA)

Reduction in Sales Cycles

A video conversation helps store associates to demonstrate and sell products to customers across the globe with ease and reduce the no of sales cycles.

2 Factor Authentication (2FA)

Improve Customer Effort Score (CES)

Enable associates to connect with customers with ease through real-time video and resolve complex queries thereby leading to improved CES. This also leads to an increase in the NPS.

2 Factor Authentication (2FA)

Increase Sales Conversions

Delight your customers through contextual, personalised conversations during the purchase cycle and improve the conversion rates.

2 Factor Authentication (2FA)

Use Cases you may be interested in

We connect you to the world


Real Estate



Two-factor Authentication Two-factor Authentication

Give your customers the flexibility to virtually explore their favorite vehicle before opting for test drive.

Two-factor Authentication Two-factor Authentication

Provide a complete walkthrough of the property, your customers are looking for!

Two-factor Authentication Two-factor Authentication

Make insurance claims via video enabled customer experience solution.

Two-factor Authentication Two-factor Authentication

Connect with store associates for quick product demonstrations.

Stay relevant with our feature packed, intelligent video engine

WebRTC based Smart Routing capabilities

A cloud-based platform based on WebRTC that has its own intelligent routing capabilities, allowing customers to connect with enterprises as per their requirement using real-time video.

Simple, headless architecture

Designed with a headless framework, agnostic of website UI, our modular, plug and play APIs can be easily integrated to existing enterprise websites

Easy Integration

Complete with built-in routing mechanism and a cloud-based model, the solution integrates easily with existing contact centres and CRMs to provide a one-stop solution for enhancing digital experiences.

High-quality video anytime, anywhere

Conduct video meetings with customers across the globe by reusing licenses based on shifts and leveraging subject matter expert connects anytime, anywhere.

Whether you're an enterprises or a developer, we've got you covered!


  • A library of APIs for integrations with apps
  • Create your own flows
  • Centralised tracing and logging
  • Dedicated portal for all admin-related activities
  • Easy integration with third-party APIs


    • Customised canned videos in call queue
    • Screen and content share, in call chat
    • Easy integration with CRM Connectors, contact centers, payment gateways, analytic engines
    • Context passing and internal subject matter expert collaboration
    • Reporting, call recording, storage and overlay of Augmented reality use cases


    Retail Giant, Croma doubled sales conversion through Video Commerce

    Learn how the leading retail giant, Croma gained a competitive advantage over customer experience through TATA COMMUNICATIONS DIGO VX.

    Retail Giant, Croma doubled sales conversion through Video Commerce

    Learn how the leading retail giant, Croma gained a competitive advantage over customer experience through TATA COMMUNICATIONS DIGO VX.

    slide two

    Learn how the leading retail giant, Croma gained a competitive advantage over customer experience through TATA COMMUNICATIONS DIGO VX.

    slide two

    Learn how the leading retail giant, Croma gained a competitive advantage over customer experience through TATA COMMUNICATIONS DIGO VX.


    Learn how the leading retail giant, Croma gained a competitive advantage over customer experience through TATA COMMUNICATIONS DIGO VX.


    Learn how the leading retail giant, Croma gained a competitive advantage over customer experience through TATA COMMUNICATIONS DIGO VX.

    Got Questions? We’ve got all your answers!

    What verticals is the solution most suitable for?

    Tata Communications DIGO VX* is a best-fit for anyone who is looking at a video-based solution to connect with their customers. Retail, Automobile and Real Estate are some examples. This solution will also help organizations with an online presence, customer stores/ dark stores or warehouses.

    This offering helps brands to connect with customers in real-time leading to,

    • Increase in digital NPS
    • Increase in conversion and/or leads
    • More convenience to the customers and higher customer satisfaction
    • Location agnostic and product agnostic customer connect

    Yes, this is a WebRTC based cloud solution which is built in-house by Tata Communications and follows a multi-tenant architecture.

    This offering is a cloud-based platform based on WebRTC that has its own intelligent routing capabilities, allowing customers to connect with enterprises as per their requirement using real-time video. Our solution comes with the following:

    • It comes with its own routing and distribution engine and acts as a standalone solution
    • It offers end to end integration with 3rd party applications
    • Tata Communications offers proactive monitoring to the customers for better incident management

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