Documentation and APIs

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Number Management
Authenticate – OTP
Authenticate – One Tap Authentication
Programmable Voice(India)
Programmable Voice (USA)

Number Management

The Number Management APIs focus on enabling your end-customers and partners to be able to search, order and manage service phone number and products directly and instantaneously. A partner can search for phone number products, order numbers, modify active services and manage their account information.

Numbers and Reservations

A developer may search for availability of Numbers, by geography, number type, vanity (specific digit patterns), contiguous blocks of numbers and other search criteria. TCL’s number inventory returns matching numbers if available. It is possible to subsequently create a Reservation for these numbers. After completing a search of the available number inventory most number products allow for any chosen numbers to be “reserved” during the ordering processes. A reservation stays valid for 10 minutes after which those numbers are released back as available inventory other users. Use the /reservations API calls to make and manage your reservations. It is very easy to place a subsequent order by simply providing an active reservation identifier.

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